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Discipline specific 
asynchronous online training courses with optional in-person workshops.

Certification provided.

Courses available for various stages of your career.

Customization to meet the needs of your department or individual career goals.


What We Offer

Evidence-based, inclusive training courses; developed

and delivered by involved researchers and practictioners.  

Student in Library

Graduate Student Training

This set of training courses helps prepare graduate students to excel in the classroom and as job candidates.  


Instructor and Professor 

This set of training programs supports instructors and professors new to evidence-based pedagogical techniques, but looking to further develop their teaching. 


Advancing Your Skills

For the seasoned professor who wants to further their understanding and learn to implement more advanced evidence-based teaching practices.

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The Community College Track

Professors and instructors at the Community College level experience unique pressures and responsibilities. Our training programs are designed and modified by leading Community College practitioners.

Developed and delivered by involved researchers and practitioners.

The Science of Learning Economics
Teaching Your First Economics Class: Content Mastery
Bill Goffe 
Jackie Campbell 

All AceleOnline training course content is created, reviewed and vetted by leading researchers and practitioners in their disciplines.  Our content creators attend the most prestigious conferences and are published in, and in some cases editors for, leading journals for education,  teaching and pedagogy in their fields. 

Best Practices for Economics Syllabus Design
Amy Eremionkhale
Teaching Your First Econ Class: Content Delivery &
Making Yourself a Desirable Candidate in Economics

Jadrian Wooten 
Best Practices for Classroom Management
Aselia Urmanbetova
Erika Martinez
Making Yourself a Desirable Teaching Candidate in Economics
Emily Marshall 
Jose Fernandez

Evidence-based teaching for higher education

Additional Links

Providing business, product, and market expertise for the advancement of economic and civic literacy.

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